“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” A.E.

hope this blog warms ur soul

hope this blog warms ur soul

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

what's checked out on my library card

reading and watching
support ur local library
by being 2 busy 2 read or view
until the fines add up!
linked to amazon
cuz u can get mo info there

my stars:
* don't bother--i won't even waste my time blogging it
** whatever floats some people's boats--sunk mine!
*** ok--but don't buy it or keep it if it's overdue
**** worthwhile might even be entertaining or thought provoking
***** do not pass this up--worth the fines if it's overdue

*** Why Gender Matters: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know about the Emerging Science of Sex Differences
some good points
but overall too stereotypical 4 this feminist
i thought we were over gender clumping
can't say i agree with the all r gifted theory either

***** Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's
fascinating on every account
a must read
much more insightful than his bro's running with scissors

the only good thing about not getting out
4 adult movies
very often is that i have plenty of choices 2 check out from the library
-we gave up on netflix when we picked up hbo and showtime
hardly ever tune in 2 movies that r not 4 family viewing
however these 3 are worth noting

**** dangerous living: coming out in the developing world
2005 eye opening
like revisiting the stonewall era
only in the middle east

***** unveiled
2006 german w/ english subtitles
riveting on all accounts
seriously shows how backassward
r whole world is

** happy endings
2005 only if you have some extra time on ur hands

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kari-you've been super busy on this blog of yours! love it! i will definitely pick up look me in the eye...thanks for the recommendations!! liz