“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” A.E.

hope this blog warms ur soul

hope this blog warms ur soul

Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunday, December 30, 2007

nutcracker by mf/macy's n maya

remixed 'cause we started filming from the end
r first movie attempt with new little sony! i think maya is a pro!

Friday, December 28, 2007

more snow....

home from 3 nights

in the chi-town burbs
with gram and unc
huge snowflakes all the way home
we have 24 inches with
at least 3 more on top today
it's still snowing....
check out flickr slide show
many nu holiday pix
we r working on a fun video 2!
with new sony and will edit in imovie
had a great visit
loads o love
little cooking
blue icing was happy accident
little shopping
best after buy-6 boxes of window lights for $.59!
little bit o downtown
c below

last night we saw a great show
based on hans christian andersen's
SNOW QUEEN at the victory gardens
a nice revived theater in Lincoln park hood
just north of chicago's loop
the show was very folksy kinda performance art
my kind of stuff!!!
danish papercuts 4 set and puppets 2
with 3 great dancers supporting fantastic leads
i loved the variety of ages
eclectic mix of old n new music

then we caught the windows at
what will always b
no matter what macy tries 2 do
i love chicago
but was glad we were down the night
b4 the snow!

JOY YEE'S website needs updating!
in evanston is closed 4 remodel
until spring 08
was r landing spot
even tho i like chinatown better
bubble teas like nowhere else on earth
...ok maybe in toronto or Thailand!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

updated 12/24 goodnight to 12 days!

r rose!
12 Days: A Milwaukee Christmascast ornament obsessively crafted by Kari pictured above

Maya's cast closed the show on Christmas eve!
There's a quicktime video clip of the hilarious finale from First Stage here!
more pix in slideshow-they r private in flickr 'cause of copyright sorry!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

solstice greetings!

our winter break begins today
winter began last night officially
yet i c it as the brink of day lengthening
as the sun rises this morning
2 stay out just a few more minutes each day
until june when we cycle through again
in milwaukee last night was long
n 2day the sun fights 2
light up the foggy day ahead

although i don't always trust wikipedia
the entries about the observance of winter solstice r vast
i love 2 c where so many of our
holiday traditions relate back 2
many center around feasts and celebrations of light

so as we feast
n light r home this winter
we think of all who
share n celebrate
r planet and r sun

wishing 4 peace n love throughout the next rotation!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

maya's getting crafty....

'cause the best gifts r made w/ LOVE!

this is the week
4 final touches
2 handmade gifts
n gettin' it all under wrap!
here r this year's faves:
  • key chains 4 danish friends with school pix

(yes--she wore her defy gravity t-shirt!)

  • handezknit hats 4 momz work in progress!

Monday, December 17, 2007


and it's NOT winter until FRIDAY!
makes me want to ski again...
but perhaps a batch of A-B's chewy chippers
will suffice...

cards r done fun little preview for those of u bloggers not on r snail mail list:
'Tis the gift to be camping,'tis the gift to be roaming the west so free,
'tis the gift to set up a tent where you ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in Yellowstone just right,
We move to be in the Teton valley of love and delight.

When true simplicity is gained,
To breath and to hike we shan't be ashamed.
To elk, moose, bison, bear, and wolf will be our delight,
'Til by turning, hot dogs and marshmallows over a fire come round night
'Tis the gift to love nature and that love to return,
'Tis the gift to be taught to love our earth and a richer gift to learn,
And when we expect of nature what we try to live each day,
Then we'll all live together and we'll all learn to say,

'Tis the gift to have a planet and a home in which to breathe,
'Tis the gift to think of the earth and not to only think of "me",
And when we hear wild creatures we must think of their future and let them be seen,
Then we'll all live together on our planet full of love that is real and green!

Warm wishes from our family to yours,
Peace to ALL in 2008!

PS YES I choose the MARVEL stamps on pagan purpose!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

12 Days A Milwaukee Christmas

i missed the photo shoot last week
this 1 is from preview night
just after the show was over

i will post more when i get them
from other parents
n cast cd
as much as i m tempted....
no video or pix allowed 'cause of equity actor's guild
so i m fighting myself 2 keep cam off!
the entire cast is fantastic
Sarah Day brings Miss Emily to life
i know the TREE cast has bonded well
and is excited 2 do each and every production

i am so proud of
Maya's performance
she has a heartfelt solo
at a pivotal part in the play
thanks so much
2 those of u
who have come 2 see the show!

some links of interest:
video cast--WTMJ's Morning Blend

article--Vital Source Magazine

podcast--NPR WUWM's Lake Effect
scroll down 2 "Where Twelve Days Began" at bottom of list

Maya's cast's remaining shows r:
Thursday the 20th n next Sat @ 7PM
Sunday the 23rd @ 1 n 3:30PM
closing show the 24th @ 1PM

tickets here!

bring tissue if ur going!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

wonderful day

2day was wonderfully nuts
1 of those days when there's not a chance to breath
head spinning

kids are pumped for a break...
i was hoping the snowday on tues would calm them
...i have a great student teacher
...r cramming in all the necessities
of the holidays
service project
a gift of beautiful hand decorated shopping bags
4local coop/food pantry
on top of gifts for families packaged w/ cards

my dd had a photo shoot 4 her play during the work day
can't shoot pix in theater otherwise
i had permission to leave school early and headed out
i was running late
locked out of the theater
blustery cold wind
running around
huge building
icy sidewalks
4 set of locked doors
3 calls to security
finally i was let in
just as the last kids
left the stage...........
so sad
at least there will b
a professional cd made
so we need a keep photo bug-mom
from crying

and we need to go grocery shopping
don't want 2 shop in a funk

kid says how about a movie?
i say great
just what i need
how 'bout juno?
not in milwaukee yet
...not driving to chitown for a movie

so how 'bout golden compass
yeah..it's at this new fancy theatre place
and we are near the new fancy dancy place
and we want 2 shop trader joes near the new fancy dancy nancy place
so we go
the fancy dancy nancy valet signs
until we r carsick
cuz they wrap 'round the building
like a snake

get there, wait, wait wait, no valet
im cool with that i can park n walk
matinee kid $4.50 adult $5.50
im cool with that hate full price movies
COVER CHARGE 5bucks each...not 2 cool

love empty quiet theater times n need escape

nab our complimentary popcorn
no one to take $$ for
6buck sodas
have to flag down gal from across a fancy dancy nancy bar
whatta joke

ushered 2 seats
fannnnncy seats
take fun pix
eat 2 much popcorn
alone in theatre
try all seats
rest up
wait wait wait
no show
no explanation

ask 4 mngmt

ask 4 new tix 2 next show in 30 minutes

get new tix

and free passes

and dinner from fancy dancy nancy restaurant near bar!
great food
hard 2 eat during movie
no biggie

the show
chat loads about it walking back
2 no valet pking

will blog review nother day

keep chatting about movie at
go 2 check out...as in pay an go

lady on floor

looks like a seizure

then c cpr guy
dd n i know cpr...but looks under control
she's in good hands and 911 call made

u turn to shop some more
keep calm
say she's in good hands 2dd
say she will b ok
say we would help if needed 2
stay calm
shake inside

check out while emt's arrive

put the whole day in perspective





precious life

tag ur it:

bayshore ipic traderjoe's milwaukee goldencompass life

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

what's checked out on my library card

reading and watching
support ur local library
by being 2 busy 2 read or view
until the fines add up!
linked to amazon
cuz u can get mo info there

my stars:
* don't bother--i won't even waste my time blogging it
** whatever floats some people's boats--sunk mine!
*** ok--but don't buy it or keep it if it's overdue
**** worthwhile might even be entertaining or thought provoking
***** do not pass this up--worth the fines if it's overdue

*** Why Gender Matters: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know about the Emerging Science of Sex Differences
some good points
but overall too stereotypical 4 this feminist
i thought we were over gender clumping
can't say i agree with the all r gifted theory either

***** Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's
fascinating on every account
a must read
much more insightful than his bro's running with scissors

the only good thing about not getting out
4 adult movies
very often is that i have plenty of choices 2 check out from the library
-we gave up on netflix when we picked up hbo and showtime
hardly ever tune in 2 movies that r not 4 family viewing
however these 3 are worth noting

**** dangerous living: coming out in the developing world
2005 eye opening
like revisiting the stonewall era
only in the middle east

***** unveiled
2006 german w/ english subtitles
riveting on all accounts
seriously shows how backassward
r whole world is

** happy endings
2005 only if you have some extra time on ur hands

what we r watching....

snow day reviews...
cuz u know in winter

the big box rules 'round here...

this am a friend referred to an ad on tv
honestly i couldn't recall ever seeing it
sad 2 admit but we have been dvring 4 about 2 years

never seem to catch-up on everything

my personal must see tv all linked for ur pleasure:

cbs sunday-law of the house on sun am nothing else goes

bill maher-when its in real time!

independent lens-always. even love reruns.

this american life-npr with pix on showtime-only one season so far

L-Word goes without saying

Tell Me You Love Me-recent good stuff

actor's studio and iconoclasts-don't always see b4 the dvr boots them but love most

i think im one of the original fans and the only er fan left
im 2 weeks behind on it so im not a great fan!

daily i cruise through the view and martha
...and i mean cruise ffwd almost all while reading mail
n checking personal email
not worthy of linking since ro's gone

the kid is addicted 2 disney channel...suite life and hannah montana
honestly she's so busy with school and theater
she's hardly in front of the box

we all love ugly betty and project runway and anything like planet earth
catch alton brown on FOOD when surfing and the amazing race but don't dvr either
wait i take that back we did dvr ab's feasting on asphalt

joan has little tolerance for tv but.....
my tattooed wife loves the ink (currently in miami) shows
-thumbs down for me

loads can be seen thru the links
let's see some nbc, cbs, sundance, brovo, food, tlc,
discovery, hbo, n showtime

big surprise nothing on FOX?!

no wonder i never get to the dvd's!
long over due library dvds came in handy 2day
reviews coming soon!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

america must change....

look out world
kudos 2 r Maya third year in a row she has placed in this citywide contest
where she gets the nerve 2 speak is beyond me
she does it with poise and purpose

2005 3rd place 5th grade bottom of post
2006 1st place 6th grade linked
2007 2nd place 7th grade in video and as printed below

������America must change������
Maya George
Some things are easy to change: clothes, hairstyle, and the arrangement of furniture. But, many things are harder to change, like how we live and how we choose to treat each other. The United States of America is at a breaking point where we need to change. The time has come where we must listen to Dr. Martin Luther King when he said that America must change. We can do that by caring for our planet and for each other.

Former Vice President, Al Gore, has helped many people throughout the world see that our planet is suffering from global warming. This Earth, our home, will not make it much longer, without our help. In 2006, the United States of America consumed, according to the U.S energy information website, 25% of the world���s energy. That doesn���t seem so bad until you realize that the people of the United States take up only 5% of the world���s population. That shows that we must change!

Every person needs to do their part. Adults should buy cars that don���t create as much pollution, or even walk to work if you live close enough! If you want to have applesauce for lunch; don���t buy already packaged containers, buy a large jar of applesauce and put it in your own containers that can be washed and reused. At dinner, use cloth napkins instead of paper. Don���t put your recycling into the garbage can; it creates landfills which are a huge factor in global warming! If we put things in landfills that aren���t supposed to be there, then we are actively polluting our planet. We must remember to recycle! Did you know that every house in Milwaukee has a recycling bin? Are they used? I went to 10 recycling bins on my block, and only 6 of them were used at all. It doesn���t take a lot of effort to take care of thee earth, but it does take everyone doing their part.

People are all different; we all have different personalities and backgrounds. If a new student came into my class who was from a faraway place, it might be a little awkward. But, no matter how unusual they were, I would never think to treat this person differently from my other classmates. Our country has a history of treating some citizens poorly; we live in the shadow of slavery and discrimination. No one should forget how wrong it is to judge people by their outward appearance. We should only judge people by their words and actions! Unfortunately, many Americans today still choose to discriminate, and that causes many of us to think we need to change who we are in order to fit in. What really matters is a person���s character, NOT sexual orientation, age, disability, gender, or any other outward characteristic. For a peaceful America, we MUST cancel out ALL the ���ism���s���: racism, ageism, sexism and ALL other bias that prevents us from appreciating one another for who we REALLY are.

Author Leo Tolstoy once stated, ���Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.��� The only way America will change is if each and every one of us commits to inner change��� changing how we care for our amazing planet and changing how we treat one another.

Let���s choose kindness and caring over apathy.
America must change, and that change begins with me������.. and���.with you.

Thank you.

3rd Place Citywide

"A Dream for Education"

Maya George 2005

It is true that education and learning have become tools for shaping the future. It is also very important, because without education and learning, we wouldn���t have a bright future. Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream that all kids regardless of skin color would live together as one. When we learn about history, like when Dr. King was alive, we learn it���s better to work together than to fight one another. When there is fighting, it���s like living inside a horror movie. Please let me explain what these sayings mean to me.

Some kids don���t like waking up early every morning and having to go to school. I have had to realize that without an education, I can do nothing. But, with an education, I can do anything. Every new thing a child learns opens a door to more learning. If I stay in school, many doors will open for me. For example, my dream is to become a chemist. The only way this door will open for me is with learning. If I keep this dream in my heart, then I will have the drive to make it come true.

Dr. King had a beautiful dream, and this dream will not come true unless all children stay in school and learn. If we take the time to listen and learn, we find that people who look different than us aren���t really different on the inside. Every person has inherent value, no matter who they are. Even if a person lives across the ocean and lives very differently from us, he or she is still valuable. The tiniest baby, the oldest of the old���all are needed to make our world a wonderful place to live. People need to realize that most problems in our world would be solved if people just took the time to learn about each other.

Education and learning are the keys to peace and happiness, as well as tools for shaping the future���my future���and yours.

countdown 2 WWIII or impeachment?

let's hope it's the latter

2 you must see...

heavy side

lighter side

thank you ro and bloggers lauren and concerned

PS maya's 2007 MLK second place speech-Yipee!!!
from yesterday am's competiton is coming....
as soon as i get joan 2 load the softwear on her imac
da packers prevail 'round here

Saturday, December 8, 2007

reviews of n eclectic entertainment week....

We had a week filled with a great variety of outings...the 3 of us did all of these together and have had some time to chat about with each other so now it's time 2 share with u

last sunday after the first of what would b 3 snows during the week
we braved the icy drive
and headed out 4 this show
....we were truly enchanted!
2 thumbs up from r dis loving fam!

joanie loves her dis villain's and all we have 2 say is look out Glenn Close (101)
Susan Sarandon in da enchanted house!

i loved the fab real animation...hand drawn cell work according 2 the credits 'cause i stay 4 'em
...i knew it right away.
such a treat for the eyes
...sorry pixtar fans but i'm old!
i also loved the central park tour
...the castle the bridge and all places in tween
when we r in nyc we spend a little time each day in a different corner of the park
and this film doesn't miss one of them
...i can only imagine the state of the park during filming
maya was mesmerized by julie andrews narration from the get go....
she's begging to travel to nyc asap....maybe in may
she had a few belly laughs during the clean-up scene and loved the kong reversal!
kudos 2 disney for a great family film done in great taste with loads of extras and fantastic soundtrack!

joan n i had a film assignment for r grad class final
we decided that maya needed 2 see the film 2
-heavy but she loves independent lens at home
then we found out that Byron Hurt was coming to screen it and there would b a talk back
it doesn't get any better than this...
the man is genius
the film is thought provoking to say the very least
should b required for everyone and anyone who loves hip hop
mr hurt's qna session was inspiring
he questioned the young rapper wannabees 2 think
he apologized 2 the church ladies
he explained the process and his focus and wowed me like i have not been wowed in many a day
see it
share it
live it
meanwhile i have a three page single spaced paper written on it 2 edit and turn-in!

We finally found some time and some great tickets to catch
the annual Milwaukee Repertory Theater's Dickens classic

i haven't been since i was a kid
fantastic cast, unbelievable sets...first rate b'way production right here in mke
we r so blessed-no pun intended!

anyhoo Maya's current play had too many references 2 pass this year's show up
she's rose with First Stage's 12 Days A Milwaukee Christmas
picture day is the 13th! look for updated bragspot asap!
so i'm home on sat night 'cause we've been on the go all week
n the laundry pile has magically appeared once again!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Happy 4th Night of Chanukah!

A very busy non-stop week

movie reviews and local theater reviews coming soooon

st nick breezed by on the 5th and

tonight the wonderful week was capped off with a relaxing evening

of Chanukah celebrating at Maya’s stage buddy’s home.

Maya choose to bring dessert,
so this digimom googled her way to rugelach!
and then searching for tricks and secrets....
I can bake via
npr podcasts -woohoo!

honestly I couldn't pronounce the word ru-ga-la until i listened...

really helped to understand the process 2!
Rugelach are pretty and versatile

-one batch can be flavored four different ways...
they seem 2 b a hit

‘cause andrea’s dad discovered them

b4 dinner was done

and he loved ‘em!

This is the
recipe I used.

I doubled it but still need 2 make up the second batch...

will do some more tomorrow any suggestions for fillings??
…still four nights left to celebrate!

PS The best part was being able to sample all the

ozzzing goodness

from the parchment ans cooking mats between batches!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I’m not a scrooge…

Thanks in advance to Chris 4 getting me started on this 1!

I’m a secular humanist 100%-see my recent blog belief-o-matic results
r celebrations r eclectic to say the least

a mix of the awfully 2 commercial santa and we even do st. nick 2 on the 5th cuz we love 2 give
and pagan traditions-holly, tree, winter solstice
and yes we celebrate the birthday of jesus on the same level as we do all good world leaders including but not limited 2martin luther king, ghandi and many of the fore fathers/mothers of our country

we will celebrate hanukah with r jewish friends
and at school I try to teach about coexistence by reaching out to all who have celebrations of light and add lessons with a folk art motivation-los posadas, kwanza, ramadan, hanukah, dawhili they all get equal standing to the fat dude in the red suit!

so here are my memories dicken's style:

past: 1971 3AM peeking party with ‘lil bro-two packages bigger than either of us....we dragged sleeping bags down and curled up to those huge boxes...in the am we opened two shiny vinyl beanbag chairs that we slept in for the next two nights!

present: meeting my parents in wdw in 2000, wife's virgin disney trip and dd was in full time magical belief mode i waz there as a kid...cuz paternal grandparent lived an hour away so we saved those E tix and went a few times while growing up

future: 2007 is up in the air dd has show on the 24 and we haven't made any plans to travel YET home 4 now i'm sure there will be some wandering! we do have ticket's to a christmas carol....i'm certain my flickr photos will keep u posted on r celebrations
so stay tuned!

bragspot r dd maya

she's r 1 n only and most daze r world revolves around her
of course she's 12 and some daze can b quite a challenge!

the slide show contains more of her than of anything else
...and will until she won't let me shoot pix of her

there’s not enuf room on the www
2 express my luv of this remarkable kid
so I m gonna brag about her here more often than any1 cares 2 c
other than my mom
and maybe
my uncle-who has been like a father 2 me and a gramps 2 dd

this might seem boring 2 some
but bet your bottom dollar
she’s going 2 make a difference in the world
…hell she already has take a looksie:

award winning writing and speech both first place:
“Each person has the responsibility to take control, help nuture a more positive world….”
By MAYA GEORGEGolda Meir Elementary School
Posted in it's entirty on Jan. 13, 2007 here in the
Milwaukee Journal/Sentinal


COEXISTENCE is high on my list of dreamz and schemez 4 a more perfect planet
i grew up Unitarian, raising my dd uu2
these results r no surprise 2 me
just thought i’d share my agnostic humanist side with anyone who might like 2 know

try it urself

1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (95%)
3. Liberal Quakers (92%)
4. Theravada Buddhism (82%)
5. Neo-Pagan (76%)
6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (75%)
7. Taoism (68%)
8. New Age (68%)
9. Mahayana Buddhism (66%)
10. Nontheist (65%)
11. Reform Judaism (59%)
12. Orthodox Quaker (58%)
13. Bahá'í Faith (53%)
14. Jainism (52%)
15. New Thought (43%)
16. Scientology (43%)
17. Sikhism (36%)
18. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (34%)
19. Hinduism (31%)
20. Seventh Day Adventist (28%)
21. Orthodox Judaism (26%)
22. Islam (21%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (21%)
24. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (21%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (14%)
26. Roman Catholic (14%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (13%)

Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See

cuz al can’t do it alone this guy gets u thinking and thatz what I m hopin’ 2 do here 2


the #1 reason i needed some personal blog space

get your HAND WRITTEN snail mail out to:
cuz polsi need r voices on paper

Office of the Speaker
H-232, US Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

need help forming a letter?
i did and i found a great sample online
4 more info here

just 4 fun

a place 2 b me
open n free
my own little corner in my own little world....
not 4 work, a class or a credit
just bcauz i need to share
my pix my life my thoughts my finds
with all who might care about
'n rplanet